In addition to communicating with the past of a psychopath, it is necessary to move around a vast building, interact with the environment and constantly hide from the maniac. Gradually, you will reveal the plot of the enemy's life, and then you can convince him to let you and friends go. Speaking of this equipment, it is necessary to communicate with the ghosts from Jimm's past, which are beginning to materialize around the hotel.

Moving around the starting location, you stumble upon an old ghost voice receiver. To do this, you will need to unravel the sinister secrets of the psychopath, studying the surroundings and stumbling upon a variety of clues. There is no time to sit back and wait for help, which is why the decision immediately comes - to explore the area and get to your comrades in order to help them and escape together. But, you managed to escape and hide in a secluded place. You became locked up because of the psychopath Jimmy Hall, who with bad intentions attacked and tied up all your friends. Take control of a student named Maya who has been locked in a hotel far off the beaten track. This horror game combines elements of believable events and high-quality textures to create a unique playthrough experience. IN At dead of night you will encounter horror-style cinematic videos as well as take part in a ghost hunt.